Teen Titans Hentai

Teen Titans Porn Story: Ravens Reward Chapter 1

Teen Titans Porn Story: Ravens Reward Chapter 1

Notes: There are no
couples.P Maybe there should be, but
there arent.P Sorry.P At best, you might call this a buddyficbut
since its about Raven and Robin, its not, really.

~~ are thoughts.

Summary: Robin has a surprise
for Ravenwhatever could it be?

Ravens Reward

A Teen Titans Fanfic by

Nate Grey ()

Robin glanced at the clock on
the wall and nodded to himself.

1:45 AM.P Perfect.

He had been putting this off
for some time now.P Perhaps it seemed
too much like something Batman would do (had he been leader of a team, anyway),
yet it still needed to be done.P He
could worry about how similar he was to his former mentor later.

Robin quickly made his way to
the roof, determined to do it before he lost his nerve.P Why he should be nervous was beyond
him.P She had, after all, accepted his
offer to join the team.P Why wouldnt she
accept this as well?

As he stepped onto the roof
of Titans Towers, a cool blast of wind hit him, tossing his cape behind his
shoulders.P He squinted and was able to
make out a lone figure at the edge of the roof, shrouded in darkness.

~How fitting,~ he thought
to himself, before realizing how many times he and Batman had done the very
same thing.P Robin forced the image away
and strode forward with purpose.

She did not look at him as he
stopped beside her, but the shadows did recede a bit, revealing her hooded face
and her lips, which were drawn into a thin, straight line.

Raven, he said in a neutral
tone, his voice betraying nothing, accompanying the greeting with a short nod.

Robin, she answered in much
the same tone, minus the nod.

He paused for a moment,
uncertain of how to continue.P Iwanted
to thank you.

Within the darkness of the
hood, one curious eye opened.P For?

Joining the team,
mostly.P Other things, as well.

Youre welcome, she said

Theresalso something I
wantno, I needto give you.

Perhaps sensing the
importance of the moment, Raven reached up and drew back her hood.P

Robin swallowed and stretched
out his hand, revealing a round badge with a silver letter T on the front.

Ravens eyes widened in
surprise.P Isnt that?

Yes.P Robin resisted the urge to smile.P Take it.

She did not.P Robin, she said slowly, as if afraid he
might not understand, this is

I wouldnt offer it to you
if I thought you didnt deserve or couldnt handle it.P He waited exactly three seconds, and then
repeated, Take it.

Hesitantly, she accepted the
badge, the gleam from it flashing across her face briefly as she stared at it.

Robin was about to leave her
with her thoughts when she spoke again.

do I have to wear it?
Raven asked in a small voice, half-joking and half not.

He grinned at her.P No.P
But based on that question, I assume you dont want me to announce your
promotion to the others?

She frowned, as if she didnt
prefer his choice of words.P No.P Cyborg might be jealous, and Beast Boy

What about him?

Well.P Raven shrugged a little.P He WOULD be jealous.P Id rather not tell them at allunless it
came to that.P She gave him a
significant look.P

I dont exactly plan to get
killed or otherwise occupied in the near future.P But I need to know that if something did happen, someone strong
enough would step up and pull the team together.P He smirked.P Even if they
had to use telekinesis to do it.

Your humor has been noted,
Raven remarked in a dry tone.

Robin took that to mean they
were done, and turned to leave again.

Arent you going to shake my
handor something?P To make it

Do you need me to? he asked
over his shoulder, knowing she would be able to sense him smiling.

No, she muttered at
once.P But that doesnt mean you
couldnt do it, anyway

He shrugged and faced her
again.P In case of my absence,
disappearance, gruesome death, or being declared unfit to lead the Teen Titans
any longer, do you swear to do everything I would do and ram my rules down
everyones throats?

Raven frowned.P Of course not.

Well, in that casecongratulations!P You are now my second-in-command!P Robin reached out to shake her hand, then
changed his mind and clapped his hands on her shoulders, clearly startling her.P I have complete faith in you, Raven, and
Im glad youre on our side.P Never
forget that.

Sure, she murmured as he
let go.P Then she titled her head
slightly.P What do you mean, youre
glad Im on your side?P Are you implying
that under other circumstances, we wouldve been enemies?

All Im saying is that Id
hate to have to fight youand not just because I know you, either.

Raven stared at him for a
long moment before replacing her hood and turning away to stare out over the
city.P Ill take that as a compliment.

I was hoping you
might.P Robin gave her shoulder a
slight squeeze (he decided not to press his luck any further than that) and
said, Goodnight, Raven, as he left her alone.

Goodnight, Robin, she
replied softly, and then, under her breath added, and thank you.

He stopped at the door and
looked back at her one last time.P The
shadows had drawn up around her again, and though he couldnt be sure, Robin
thought she stood a little taller than before.P
But then, shadows often made people look more imposing, and he wouldve
known.P He ducked back inside before an
image of two figures could superimpose itself over Ravens profile.

Unfortunately, it still did
once he was inside.P But there was a
difference this time.P Before, he had
always seen himself, standing faithfully in Batmans shadow.P This time, there was little change in scene,
save that it was himself and Raven now.P
He found it striking that neither of them shadowed the other, and that
they appeared as equals.

~Maybe,~ he thought, ~just
maybe, escaping the Shadow of The Bat wont be as hard as I thought~

The End.

Its over, theres no more,
dont bother to ask for it, get away now.PP

Comments on characterization
would be GREATLY appreciated, though.

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